In my day job, I’m a college professor.  I’ve been teaching English composition as an adjunct faculty member at a community college since 2000–yep, that’s 12 years working for the government!  In all that time, I don’t think the stipend per credit has increased–I’m still making the exact same amount of money I did 12 years ago!  We don’t get raises based on our performance, and there’s a cap on how many courses I can teach, so there’s no way for me to increase my salary.

And yet, prices keep going up.  Gas was 99 cents a gallon when I started teaching…now it’s between $3 & $4.  Milk was usually on sale for about the same–99 cents, but now it’s also closer to $4.  Has the intrinsic value of gas or milk increased?  Nope.  But the value of the dollar has decreased.  As the government continues to spend irresponsibly and then prints money to pay the increasing debt, the value of the dollar decreases.  So, while most of us are making the same or less, the cost of necessary items, like gas and milk, keeps increasing.  This is hardest on the folks who have the least.

So, what’s a girl to do?  I say, give yourself a raise!  How?  Well, I’ve been working my network marketing business for about 4 years now.  And every year, my residual income has doubled.  As I continue to share my business with others, my team grows, and my income grows.  I may not be able to make more money at my JOB, but I can give myself a raise anytime I want in my BUSINESS simply by going out and getting a new customer or team member!

Are you in the same boat I am?  Are you in a job making less than you were 10 years ago with more expenses?  Go to work for yourself!  After all, no one cares more about your family than you do!

(Not sure how to move forward?  Click HERE if you’d like to give yourself a raise!)