While I heartily recommend network marketing over a JOB, many graduates this month are hitting the streets looking for work. And it’s not going to be easy–with “more than 5.6 million 18 to 34-year-olds who are willing and able to take a job and actively looking for work, but shut out of opportunities for employment,” new graduates face stiff competition! So, what can a new graduate do to stand out from the crowd?
According to Jonathan Mulligan, 95% of job applicants don’t send a thank you note following an interview. In the competitive job market of today, graduates should take note of this statistic! In fact, in this blog, the authors list not sending a follow up card as the 4th in their list of Job Interview Mistakes.
Sending a quick follow up note is a great way to show your interest in the job and prove to potential employees that you are a thoughtful, conscientious person. Everyone likes to be appreciated–and a card in the mail goes a long way to make you stand out from the crowd! A quick note doesn’t cost a lot of money or take a lot of time. In fact, there’s an app for that!
Interviewees with smart phones simply download a simple app, choose a card, type in a message, and input the recipient’s address. For about $1 that card will be stuffed, stamped, and mailed for him.
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