When I was pregnant with Megan (my first), I bought the most obvious books, like What to Expect When You’re Expecting.  Everything I read freaked me out because the book seemed focused on everything that could go wrong.  By my second & third pregnancies, I had trashed that book in favor of others that showed amazing pictures of babies in the womb at each stage of development–super fun for the kiddos, too!  I wanted the reminder of what was happening at each stage, not what could go wrong!

Even though I’m NOT expecting, and not expecting to be expecting, I figured it never hurts to have a good book to recommend!  The Christian Mama’s Guide is a fun read.  Erin MacPherson does a nice job of giving expectant mommas a wide variety of viewpoints (even covering homebirth respectfully!) and using tongue-in-cheek humor to lay it all on the line.  She talks openly about all the things I wish my maternity books would have covered, without being scary.  Aside from the great verses added to each chapter, there isn’t much that makes this book specifically “Christian,” but I like that I share the author’s beliefs.   There are times that the author comes across as a bit, well, whiny.

Erin repeatedly reminds readers that she is not a medical expert and defers to the experts when she can’t address a topic.  If you’re looking for medical advice, this book isn’t it.  However, if you’re looking for a fun read that feels like talking to a girlfriend, you may want to pick up a copy of this book.  It’s a good one to add to your collection.

For myself, I’d prefer to read a book written by my midwife–ie someone with a LOT more experience than me–but I’ve already had three kids.  For those of you who have already had one or two or more babies, it’s good for a smile, but you won’t get a whole lot out of it.

**Disclaimer:  I received a free copy of this book from Thomas Nelson in exchange for my honest review.**