One of my passions is helping women rediscover their dreams. Too many of us grow up and become so focused on the tediousness of life–the cycle of paying bills and doing chores etc–that we forget that there is More to us. God created every one if us for a unique purpose. (Eph 2:10) We were uniquely gifted with talents that will help us to accomplish that purpose.
And I know that we are happiest, as Mathew Barnett suggests, when we are using our gifts to help others. Every day we strive to become a better person…to reach our help others–that brings us closer to fulfilling the destiny God laid before us.
Being content doesn’t mean that we give up on being the best we can be. I think instead that it means that we do our best and release the outcome. The parable about the talents is a great illustration of this. (Mat 25:15-30) The man who buried his talent in the ground, content to let it stay the same was chastised, while the two who invested, who did something to improve what they had, were praised. They didn’t know on investing what the exact outcome would be, but they did their best.
Be content on all things, yes, but never give up on being the very best you you can be.