20140415-111607.jpgIn The Making of a Prophet, Jennifer LeClaire attempts to guide readers in their call to prophetic ministry.  With chapters from “Is God Calling Me into Prophetic Ministry” to “Responding to Rejection and Ridicule” to “Mastering Ministering in Love,” LeClaire hopes to help readers discern if they are actually called to prophetic ministry, avoid common traps, and finally become one with God’s purpose for their lives.

When I saw the book, I hoped that it might be more about determining if you have a prophetic calling and helping you develop it.  However, the book reads mostly for folks who are already convinced they have a prophetic call.

Though some of the information is helpful, the author often comes across as condescending.  It’s worth a try if you feel that you are being led down this path, but I think there are probably better books out there.


*Disclaimer:  I received a free copy of this book from Chosen in exchange for my honest review.*