My local church is working through the book of Acts right now. Each Sunday, as we learn about Paul and how he shared the gospel, we are challenged to share the good news, as well. Paul was not afraid to talk about Jesus to the people he met, no matter who they were, but, in today’s culture, Christians are characterized in such a way that broaching the subject of the “Good News” can seem intimidating. Of course, when we remember how high the stakes are, we are reminded of the importance of doing just that.

I love the subtitle of Matt Mikalatos‘ new book, Good News for a Change: How to Talk to Anyone About Jesus. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to talk to ANYONE about Jesus?! Well, according to Matt, you can!

In this book, which is filled with amazing examples of how the Holy Spirit moved hearts in seemingly impossible situations, Mikalatos gives several concrete ideas that readers can use to share the good news. My favorite story in the book is in the chapter “The Gospel According to Buddha,” in which Mikalatos shares how he witnessed to a Buddhist, who, after hearing the good news, decided to become a believer in Christ.

From clarifying the Gospel to listening to others to using language that is clear to backing up our words with actions to understanding timing, this book contains a wealth of ideas and examples to empower you to boldly share the good news with anyone!
