What’s wrong with this business card?  It’s cute.  It has my picture, so a person can easily remember who I am.  It has my website and facebook link.  The name of my business and what I do is clear.  And if you actually were holding the card, you’d feel the quality of it.  Many of you might point out that the obvious missing piece is my phone number.  However, what many business owners forget to place on their card is even more important–their physical address.  Nothing is more frustrating for me than having to chase down an address so I can send a thank you card.

Linda Hollander, author of Bags to Riches and founder of the Woman’s Small Business Expo, pointed out at a seminar that, while much commerce today is done online, a physical address gives a business a sense of permanence and credibility.  Remember, people do business with those they know, like, and trust.  It’s a lot easier to trust someone when you know where to find them!

Thankfully, my card has a back side that enables me to include all the necessary information, and it also allows me to represent both sides of my business.