“The stories in your mind become the stories of your life.”  Kody Bateman

It is amazing how true this statement is.  What we put our focus on has a huge impact on who we become and on the decisions that we make.  When I taught a girls’ Bible study, we used to talk about the difference the girls felt when they focused on God and on His purpose for them vs focusing on whatever boy they happened to like at the time.  When their focus was on God, they had peace.

Another important aspect of this is that you attract who you are.  If you are focused on serving God and becoming the best person you can be and living out your dreams–that’s the kind of person you are going to attract.

Many teens are so worried about what everyone else thinks of them.  But when they shift your focus to God and becoming who He wants you to be–and you TRUST Him to help you, a lot of that pressure goes away. You are just free to be YOU.

Megan is only 10, but we’ve been talking about this subject for several years now.  I think it’s really important for her to make a decision NOW about what her focus will be, rather than waiting until she’s a teenager.  She knows that God has a prince picked out just for her…and if she focuses on God and on living our her dreams, God will bring her prince to her.  There’s no need to worry about all that now–she’s just 10!

What I really love is that she has shared this philosophy with some of her friends–and they’ve formed the NTOB club–the Never Think of Boys Club.  lol  I think the name is a little extreme, but I’m glad that the girls have figured out that it’s easier to focus on God when they have friends to support each other.

I know I focused on teens in this post, but really, this is true for all of us.  When we focus on God instead of our circumstances, we can be confident in who we are.  And we will attract others who are doing the same.  Together, we can keep encourage each other to continue walking in the path God has laid before us.

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