20140915-111503-40503294.jpg. I’m so excited about Mary Connealy’s latest series, Wild at Heart! The story revolves around the three daughters of Cudgel Wilde, who, at their Pa’s insistence, are masquerading as men to stake homestead claims. All three women fought in the Civil War after their only brother died in the fight, and now they keep up the charade to honor their brother’s memory.

Unfortunately, Kylie Wilde is sick and tired of being a man. She wants to dress and act like a lady–and marry a man of her own. When land agent Aaron Masterson saves her from falling off her roof during a storm and uncovers her deception, she has a chance at both.

This is a funny story with all the sass and comedy you’d expect from Mary Connealy’s. I’m looking forward to reading the next books in the series!!

Disclaimer–I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.