I believe that every single human being has been designed for a purpose. The Bible says that “we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph. 2:10). We all have gifts and talents that make us uniquely suited for that purpose. The deep-down dreams that we have are a reflection of the good things that God created us to do in life. It is my passion to help women rediscover their dreams and develop their gifts so they can live out their purpose.
I’m Dr. Karen Palmer, and I’m a writer/speaker/entrepreneur/teacher/coach whose goal is to help women, just like you, find JOY in life again by discovering your true purpose and igniting your gifts! When you are confident in your calling, you can do amazing things! Over the past few decades, I have been studying God’s plan for women, and I am in awe of what He has done through the hands and feet and voices of women throughout the ages!
As His daughter, YOU were designed to part of that legacy! I want you to know that God loves you, that He designed you for a reason, and that the dreams in your heart are there because HE put them there! You can walk in confidence, knowing that you were created and you were called for such a time as this!
But the best part is not what this does for you and your spirit, but what it does for your children! As they watch you live out your passion in life, helping others by using your gifts, they will learn to do the same–and THAT is the most amazing thing of all!
In 2007, I was a stay-at-home mom who had just begun my home-schooling journey. Though I loved every minute of being home with my little ones, I felt like there was something MISSING in my life–like I was burying my talents in the ground instead of investing them for God’s kingdom. My journey to the person I am today began in 2008, in the midst of my struggle to find out WHO AM I?
When the economy began to crash in 2008, my husband and I made a mutual decision that I would begin building a business with a company whose goal was to help people act on their promptings and create a vehicle for financial freedom. I loved the service, and it helped me be a better friend and encourager! (Curious? Try it free!) However, I never dreamed that it would open up my heart to rediscovering my gifts and my purpose in life.
As I built my business, our family faced some huge challenges, like my husband being out of work for 18 months due to the recession, moving across the country away from both of our families, and even losing our home. Through those difficult times, my business gave me hope–not only because it provided a solution to our financial difficulties–but because it shifted my focus to what was possible and the talents I could develop in myself. Even better, as I became an active member of a local women’s chamber of commerce, I learned that I could help other women, just like me, find those inner gifts and learn to use them to make a difference in the world!
In 2009, I was able to realize the fulfillment of a life-long dream to be a published author. License to Play: You Can Be the Mom of Your Dreams is a Little Book that tells my story and encourages moms to consider network marketing.

Like most moms, I still struggle every day with the worry that I’m not enough…hence the site WorryFREEMom! When I was a little girl, my Dad used to sing an old hymn, “Why worry when you can pray?” At times when I feel anxious, I still hear his voice singing those words, and it encourages me to place my trust in the hands of God. WorryFreeMom.com is a reminder of my goal to set aside worry (and a reminder of my amazing Dad, who died in 1997).
I am so blessed to have the opportunity to help other women find the courage and the determination to pursue their dreams. Part of that is knowing without a shadow of a doubt that God has a plan for my life–and yours! I’ve spent the last 13 years studying the Bible and history in pursuit of my PhD in Christian Women’s Studies, and I am convinced that God has a unique and amazing plan for His daughters. Here on worryfreemom.com, you’ll find encouragement for all aspects of your life! I hope you’ll join me in the journey.
Don’t forget to DREAM BIG!