Once you’ve created your vision, eliminated the things that distract you from it, and created action goals, the next step is to create a time management plan (ie schedule) for doing those activities!

Step 1:  Create a blank schedule, like this one.  You can even draw it on a piece of paper!

Step 2:  Fill in the activities that you MUST do–your job, any networking lunches/Bible studies, kids’ activities, eating, etc.

Step 3:  Now that you have a clear picture of where you spend your time, decide where you can input your action goals.  Here is where you can be creative about your use of time.  Read your Bible while you eat breakfast, pray while you walk, etc.  Use common sense.

Here’s my schedule:

Notice that, even though I work full time, run a business, and homeschool my kids, there are still open spaces in my day.  It’s up to me to use those open spaces wisely or to adjust my schedule when we get behind.

A schedule helps you to see where your time is going.  It helps you to see how you can fit everything you need to do–the things that are important–into your day in a healthy way.  And by giving everything a special time and place, you eliminate a lot of stress.  While you’re making your business calls, you’re not worrying about spending time with your family because you have a plan for that, and vice versa!

Remember, the two most common reasons that schedules fail are that they don’t fit the individual’s lifestyle or there is an unrealistic use of time.  For example, if you are a night owl, making a schedule that has you waking up at 5am is not going to work for you–it’s going to leave you frustrated.  Work with your natural rhythms and the way your family works together.  Also, don’t plan on making 50 phone calls in 10 minutes.  It’s just not going to happen.  Be realistic about what you can accomplish in the amount of time you’ve given yourself.

Finally, be flexible!  A schedule should give you a general guideline of how your day should flow, not create an inflexible dictatorship over your life and time.