So far, we’ve thought about what our big goals are for our lives in five areas–faith, family, finances, fitness & fun. And we’ve thought about what things in our lives we can cut out to make sure we have room to work on those goals. This week, I want you to create some action goals for each of these five areas.
It’s really important, especially for women, to create action goals. Many women tend to see themselves as failures when we don’t meet a goal. Feeling like a failure is certainly not conducive to continuing on our path! So, creating action goals–things we can do each day to take action–rather than on the final destination helps us to move forward.
I’ve already mentioned briefly an action goal for faith–reading your Bible each day. You can print out my planner pages for a great M-F plan, purchase a read the bible in one year Bible, or even find an online plan that gets sent to your cell phone or e-mail. That daily Bible reading becomes something on your to-do list, something that you can finish and feel great about. And if you get a little behind, you know exactly what you need to do to catch up. The key is consistency!
How about a goal for your family? It could be simple, like eating together each evening, or spending 30 minutes together. Think about something that you can take action on TODAY, and make that your action goal for your Family area.
Here are some ideas for finances, fitness, and fun…
Finances: Call 5 people each day to set up an appointment to share your business with them. If you stick with this, you’ll be calling 100 people each month! Imagine what will happen as you start making appointments and following through with sharing your business opportunity!
Fitness: It is vital that you find a way to integrate fitness into your life. Whether your goal is to walk 30 minutes each morning or do a quick 10 minute workout video, creating that action goal and sticking to it will make a difference in your life!
Fun: My fun action goal for this year is to do something creative at least once a week. Sew a skirt, make a project with the kids, etc. Allowing myself to be creative helps me to be more focused on the other areas of my life.
Have a great week!