Back in AZ, we usually had Easter at our house.  I have a huge storage bucket of plastic eggs to prove it!  We would give each child a different color and fill dozens of eggs.  There were baskets of candy on every table for the grown-ups (how I loved those baskets when I was a kid!), and I always made my special pistachio salad with the rainbow marshmallows.  Of course, after it was over, I had way too much candy left & decorations to put away, but it was all worth it to spend the day with family.

This is my second Easter away from home and family.  While not having to clean my house and organize a meal for 30+ people and prepare activities for 12+ kids under 10 does relieve a little bit of stress, it seems silly to put time and effort into making the holiday special for just our little family.  An Easter egg hunt for just three kids?

So, what do we do when life changes and our old routines just don’t work any longer?  We have to make a decision to change with it–to make new routines and traditions that make our new situation special, too.  After all, Easter isn’t really about the food and the candy–it’s about celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and passing along the joy of this day to our kids!

This year we’ll start some new traditions that suit our new life better.  What are some things you do to make Easter special for your family?


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