Most women I meet who are building a direct sales or network marketing business are either working full time or have little ones at home full time.  I do both!  If you’ve been reading for a while, you know that I home school my three kids, who are 10, 8, and 6, and also teach composition courses online full time. So, whether you’re working or have little ones at home or BOTH, I can relate!

When I talk to these women who are struggling to balance everything, I hear some of the same phrases over and over again.

“Once I get my house organized, I’ll be able to really spend time on my business.”

“Once I get my schedule together, I’ll be able to really build my business.”

See, we all want to believe that getting organized or making a schedule is the magic solution to achieving balance in our lives.  We believe that if we can just get our act together, our business will start to grow.  And once our business grows, we’ll have more time for our relationships, and we’ll be able to do the things that really matter to us.  But the truth is that if your relationships aren’t ok and your purpose isn’t getting fed, getting organized won’t make you feel balanced.  Instead, we need to START with our relationships and our purpose.

Women (in case you haven’t noticed) are relational–and heart centered.  Have you noticed that if there’s something off in your relationships, nothing else goes right?  It doesn’t matter if you had a banner day in your business–if you had a fight with your hubby the world will feel like it’s coming to an end.  Relationships matter to us!  So we need to put them FIRST, rather than trying to put the schedule first.

Schedule in time to be a good wife, mom, friend, sister, etc.  For me, that means that on my schedule each week I write down a few people who I feel like I need to connect with.  I make sure to give them a call or send them a card.  If your relationships are healthy, you’re going to feel much more balanced and you’ll get more done!

In network marketing, we know that our WHY is the most important thing.  It’s that deep, inner dream that keeps us going even when success seems impossible.  So, usually, we just keep moving forward thinking, “someday, I’ll _____.”  And, all the while, we wonder why we feel so discontent!

Well, moms, if your Why is to spend more time with your kids and you’re constantly saying, “not right now, honey,” “I’m busy right now,” “this is mommy’s work time…” etc, you are NOT going to feel good about what you’re doing!  You need to start with your WHY and your PURPOSE before you start organizing and scheduling.

If your why is to be with your kids–then put your kids first NOW.  If your purpose is to help orphans, then help orphans NOW–even if that means putting aside $1 a month or putting together a few boxes for Samaritan’s Purse.

When you start with your relationships and your why, then you will feel balanced.  Your schedule will fall into place, and your business will grow because you will be meeting your Heart needs.  Yes, it’s easier to check things off a list–but unless you’re feeding your heart, you’re not going to feel good about that list!  You will have to make sacrifices if you want to build a successful business, but if you put the important things first, you CAN do both and not regret a minute of it!
