Time for our third annual celebration of the Twelve Days of Christmas! Each year, I come up with 12 RACKs (Random Acts of Christmas Kindness) for the kids to do starting on the day after Christmas. Each day, the kids pull out their “Mission” for the day. I try to combine their mission with a little gift/activity that pairs with it and a Bible verse.
Here are what I think we’ll be doing for our activities for this year:
1. Leave a treat for the mailman. (cute idea on Pinterest) Big bag of MnMs for the mailman, and little ones for the kids.
2. A unique “Ding Dong Ditch” Ding dongs for everyone! 🙂
3. Go out to eat and leave 100% tip for a server. (Can’t wait for this one!)
4. Leave quarters in a quarter machine. Kids get to choose where to leave theirs, and get to get something too.
5. Pay for someone in line at the drive thru.
6. Leave popcorn on Redbox. Kids will get to pick a movie to watch.
7. Bring milk and donuts to… (love this idea but using packages of Hostess donuts and a milk box might be easier. I think you can buy the Horizons milk that doesn’t have to be refrigerated so it could be wrapped.)
8. Send a Care Package. (I think the kiddos’ gift will be fun socks, since that’s one of the things we’ll include.)
9. Send flowers. Kids get flower seeds or their favorite veggie seeds to plant & maybe gardening gloves/tools.
10. Bring coloring books to the Adult Day Care center. Kids get to choose a new one, too!
11. Donate something to Samaritan’s Purse. The kids always want to do this! A trip to the zoo will be our treat for the day.
12. Bring chocolate to the food bank. It’s on the list of things food banks need–but don’t ask for. I’m thinking cake mixes, brownies, etc. I can leave chocolate bars for the kids. 🙂