A few years ago, we bought a Holmsund sectional sleeper sofa from IKEA. It’s been a great functional couch for our family, and I love the blue color we chose. However, despite being washable, the cover seemed to attract stains.
About a year ago, I bought a cheap cover from Amazon just to cover up the stains. It was a great solution for awhile, but it didn’t take long for that to start to look dirty, too, and it’s not a perfect fit.
I finally decided to pull the trigger on a new cover…and IKEA won’t ship it to me! Ugh! There are options on Etsy to buy a cover from a seller in China, but the mixed reviews make me hesitant. My local upholstery company said it would cost $1200 just for the materials!
So, I bought the only cover I could find on eBay–which happens to be white. Really?! My husband thinks I’m all kinds of dumb (how long will this stay nice with four kids in the house?!), but I really need to have a clean couch! Look how dirty the original is compared to the new cover!
I decided that I would try to make my own cover–and it worked great! I just bought this king size quilt from Amazon. I used the finished edges to my advantage and serged the cut edges. I was able to create a custom cover in about 2 hours. I’m so happy with the way it turned out!
I even had enough fabric to cover the pull out bed.
This is all that was left:
And here’s the final result: