Some wonderful friends gave us a book on Square Foot Gardening a few years ago, and it has helped us to make the most of our gardening.  Rather than planting in rows, which wastes space and is hard to keep up with, square foot gardening divides the garden into squares.  You can plant whatever you like in each square, and, after you harvest your square, you plant something else.  Square foot gardens look really nice, are easier to weed, produce more veggies, and are great for kids!

We have three 8×4 gardens.  I’m excited to see broccoli, sweet peas, spinach, lettuce, and radishes growing already.  Last summer, my kids ate sweet peas, cherry tomatoes, and carrots right out of the garden!  And I was able to can all sorts of goodies.  I’m looking forward to a wonderful harvest again this summer.