This past week, I was working feverishly to meet a challenge with my company. It wasn’t a terribly difficult challenge; in fact, I was absolutely sure I could do it! All I had to do was set up 10 new accounts, which only cost $15. Easy, peasy, right?
So, I spent all day every day last week making phone calls, sending e-mails, and contacting people on Facebook. I went walking around town to see who I could introduce my amazing service to. I really stepped out of my comfort zone and stepped up my normal business activities. In all, I believe I talked to more than 200 people last week about my service. Several people loved it and said they would think about it. Others said, “absolutely, I will get set up this weekend.” And yet…that didn’t happen.
Out of all that activity, I got 4 new accounts. I was SO disappointed–that I didn’t win the challenge, but mostly in myself. And then, I started thinking about it. I had the opportunity to talk to a LOT of people last week. People who I might not have otherwise contacted. I have several appointments set up this week and even a few referrals that I never would have received had I not expended all that effort last week.
Not only did I grow as a person by stepping outside my comfort zone and create some new possibilities, but I also reinforced for myself that not meeting a goal is not a failure. It’s not the end of the world. What matters is that you put in your very best effort and don’t give up, no matter what happens. People are people, and you can’t force them to buy your product or service. No matter how much they say they love it, no matter how much they need it, no matter how great a value it is, in the end, it all comes down to choice. As Jim Rohn says, if they don’t buy, just say, “Next!”
Have a great day!