Most moms I talk to tell me that they feel scattered and unorganized. Especially at this time of the year, they want a plan that will help them accomplish everything on their plate without making them feel like they are going to lose their minds. So, they come up with a schedule that works for a little while, and then they are right back where they started.
I want to help you avoid that this year. 2012 is going to be a year of Focus for me–and for you, too, if you let it. Today, we are increasingly scattered–and it’s not just because we have so much on our plates. Researchers are discovering that technology decreases our ability to focus. So, moms, especially, have two hurdles to overcome–the fact that our use of technology is hindering our ability to focus and the fact that we just have so much on our plates.
If you’re like me, you’re constantly sending up prayers for help. Help me get organized. Help me focus on what’s important. Show me what You want me to do! I love the God’s Word Translation of James 1:8, which is talking about having faith: “A person who has doubts is thinking about two different things at the same time and can’t make up his mind about anything.” Most of the other translations call this person a “double-minded man.” Does that sound familiar? Are you double-minded? Are you having trouble figuring out what is the most important thing in your life?
I believe that the key to finding peace is in this verse. We have to find focus–and that focus needs to rest solidly on something that is unchanging. Our circumstances in life change. Our families change. Our jobs change. Our missions change. But the one thing in our lives that will never change is God.
James 1:17 says, “Every good present and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father who made the sun, moon, and stars. The Father doesn’t change like the shifting shadows produced by the sun and the moon.” I love this version because typically, we see the sun and the moon as pretty constant. But here James reminds us that God made the sun and the moon, and even they produce shifting shadows. But God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
So, when we place our focus on Him, we can be sure that we are single-minded and focused on the one thing that is most important–and that will help us to focus in other areas, too. God becomes the level in our lives that everything else has to line up to.
Today, I want you to really think about where you are with God. Is your life focused completely on Him? What does that mean? Be careful here…God is pretty clear about what He wants from us in the Bible, but we tend to put our own expectations in front of His. Read 2 Corinthians 6:3-10, Ephesians 4:17-32, and Acts 20:35. My favorite is this one: “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
God’s requirements for us are pretty simple. When we lay our own expectations of ourselves at His feet, we find rest. I want to encourage you to make your focus on faith for 2012 simply to know Him more, because the more we know Him, the more we trust Him and the easier it becomes to hear His voice.
My planner for 2012 reflects this purpose with a Bible reading plan that is doable for all of us. It’s just 3-4 chapters a day–I read my Bible while I eat breakfast. And it’s a M-F reading, so you can always catch up on Saturday or Sunday if you need to. 🙂
Grab your free download here…
I would love to hear what you are doing to focus on faith in 2012. What are some of your struggles? Ideas for focusing on God throughout the day? I look forward to hearing from you!