Financial freedom is one of my top priorities, for a lot of reasons. Of course, not being tied down by debt and knowing that all our bills are paid will be a great feeling! But financial freedom has implications far beyond my own circumstances. Creating financial freedom sets an example for my children, too, and my grandkids, etc. I want to teach my children the values of financial freedom–I don’t want them to struggle with debt or day to day living. And I hope that our efforts to become free inspire others to do so!

Making some big strides in this area is an important part of my plan for 2012. I’m looking forward to eliminating more debt and creating more residual income. The more financially free we become, the more money we have available to help others!

I just finished reading The Promise of Provision: Living and Giving from God’s Abundant Supply, by Derek Prince. What an inspirational read! Derek uses scripture to compellingly show readers that God’s plan is for us to live abundantly.

The word abundant means simply, “More than enough.” Prince does a great job of drawing a line in the sand–this is not prosperity preaching nor is is a poverty mentality, neither of which truly reflect the scripture. What he says is simply that God desires for us to have more than enough–so that we will have enough to give! What an amazing and freeing thought!

In the book, Prince takes the reader step by step to a new understanding of prosperity and abundance. He begins by defining abundance–from God’s perspective. Then, he gives readers “Five Principles of Provision,” which focuses on how we can understand how God’s promises in the Bible relate to us today. In the third part of the book, Prince lays out the steps to take to tap into those promises. I love this part of the book because the focus is on God’s will for your life. You have to find out which promises God has for YOU, look at the conditions God gives for those promises, and then believe and act accordingly.

The Promise of Provision is a great combination of hope and reality–God’s promises are for us, but we must stay in God’s word and His will.

What does financial freedom mean to you? What is your plan to become more financially free this year?

I’d love to hear your thoughts!



PS I received a free copy of The Promise of Provision from Chosen books in return for my unbiased review.