What do you say when people ask you how your day is going? How about when they ask how your business is?
“Great–just a little exhausted!”
“Oh, you know, busy as usual!”
Do you find yourself saying things like, “Sorry I missed the party/Bible study/playdate at the park–I was just so swamped!”
As mom-preneurs, we are probably all guilty of saying something similar at one time or another. But when it becomes a habit, it can send the wrong message to your potential customers and business partners!
Why would someone want to join a business that leaves its representatives stressed out and exhausted, running so hard that they can’t take an hour off to enjoy their friends?
Honestly, they probably wouldn’t. It’s really important to think about the impression that we are giving others about ourselves and our businesses. Do you love what you do? Then let it show! Tell people about the great party you were at, the fabulous networking event, the great vacation you just took with your family, or how fun it is to hang out with your kids all day!
If you are too tired to enjoy yourself, then maybe you need to focus on the big picture for a little while. Who knows who might join you in your business if you let the light shine, instead of covering it up with busy-ness and stress! Remember, consistent action over time is better than a roller coaster ride of starting and stopping!
What are you going to do this week to change the way you present yourself and your business with your words?