I was talking to my accountability partner the other day about the struggle we have to find balance in our businesses.  Some days, we work like our hair is on fire, not taking time to breathe.  Other days, we feel like we are completely burned out and end up just vegging (or in my case, reading Christian romance novels!).  As mompreneurs, we need to find a way to balance that crazy activity with rest and time with our families.

How can we do that?

One important step is setting boundaries.  Consistent action over time brings results.  It’s better to do a little each day then to burn yourself out in spurts.  Even if you work from home, set working hours.  If you work on the computer, like I do, that might mean turning off the computer when you’re not “at work” so that you force yourself to take some time to live your life. The beauty of being a mompreneur is the ability to set our own schedules and achieve great things while being present with our families.

Especially for moms with little ones, it’s important to take time to do the things with our families that make us feel like a real mom–reading stories, playing games, making dinner.  And whether we are working up a storm or zoning out due to overwhelm, we’re missing out on those important times with our families.

Take some time to think through your goals.  Decide what actions you can take each day to reach those goals & schedule your work day accordingly.  Even when you don’t feel like doing anything, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to keep moving forward.  And when you feel like continuing on like the Energizer bunny…well, don’t forget to close up shop for the day!