So, I started my nutritional counseling journey on August 6th.  The kids and I continue to feel better.  I’ve lost 7 pounds so far–without exercising.  Just changing the way I eat.

The kids have cleared out almost all of the supplements they were taking.  They each have one little thing they are still working on getting out of their system.  I’ve cleared out most of my issues, too (Thank Goodness!  I was taking 9 supplements at every meal!  YUCK!).  We are still facing some “gut” issues–so we are tackling those hard in the next week or so.

What I’ve noticed:

Megan’s tummy aches GONE

Josyan’s dark shadows under his eyes GONE

Josyan’s bleeding when he goes to the bathroom  GONE

My headaches GONE

Energy is UP

Puffy Tummy is GONE

These are some major things that I was worried about–and I’m seeing some huge improvements.

My biggest discovery:  gluten free flour from Bob’s Red Mill that is essentially grain free–and I can use as a substitute for regular flour in most of my recipes.  HUGE help!  And way cheaper than almond meal!

My favorite splurge:  Organic sea salt potato chips (not really a splurge-yahoo!) and grain free brownies from Red Oak Bakery–OH MY MERCY!  lol

Ryan is still skeptical–in part because of the crazy reports he’s getting from the kids, who don’t quite understand the process.  But I know he’s noticed that I don’t look pregnant any more (ha!) and that Josyan’s dark circles have disappeared.  Tristan even told him the other day that he feels better.  🙂  The kids and I are getting better at avoiding foods that aren’t on the list, and I’d say we’re at 90/10 good choices.

Do you have any great tips for staying on track with a grain free diet?  I’d love to hear them!
