I was recently invited to speak at a My Intentional Home workshop about how creating family traditions at the holidays helps to focus our families on the true meaning of Christmas, as well as reducing the stress we all tend to feel during this season. (Learn more about Advent & 12 Days of Christmas)

In preparation for the workshop, I created some new advent and 12 Days of Christmas printables. I really like my new version because they are not numbered, there are more ideas than days, and there are also some blank spaces. These days, I’m finding it more and more difficult to plan out 24 days in advance, so the extra options and blank spaces will hopefully make my life a little bit easier! Plus, I used a pretty template from Microsoft Office, so they look super cute! One of these days I’ll have time to design my own labels…probably when my kids are all grown up! lol My plan is to print these out on address labels and then stick them to cute brown paper gift tags I found on sale at Hobby Lobby. I can slide the gift tag right into my Christmas countdown calendar!

These are FREE to print and use for your family this holiday season.

Advent 2017 Activities


12 Days of Christmas RACK

12 Days of Christmas


PS What’s your favorite holiday tradition?