I just finished up my first afternoon/evening at the Mastermind Event in Houston.  I am already a little overwhelmed with all the great information that I’ve received in just the three sessions I attended today! 

I don’t know about you, but I often tend to look down on myself…You know that little voice inside that says, “you’re not good enough!  You’ll never be successful!”  Well, I was hearing that today.  I was walking behind one guy who was talking about his $500,000 a MONTH paycheck –after two years of work.  WOW!  I can’t even imagine what I would do with that kind of cash (which is maybe why I don’t have it yet, but I’ll talk about that in another post sometime). 

We all tend to have those moments of doubt, those whispers in our minds and hearts that say we can’t.  But my Bible says that “All things are possible through Christ who gives me strength.”  It says that I am “above and beneath, the head and not the tail.”  It says that God has a plan for my life, and that I am “beautifully and wonderfully made.”  The greatest thing…it says all this about you, too!

This is taking time to PLAY!

I know that God has put in my heart to do this business–to share with moms everywhere that they CAN stay home with their kids.  Network marketing offers amazing opportunities for women to have their own successful business with low start up costs and free training.  And, best of all, a business that can be run from home.  I am blessed to be able to offer moms the ability to make a difference in the world and to create financial freedom–and to be home with their children!

After all, part of the reason that little voice tries to make me feel worthless is that it knows that I will use my success to help others and to advance the Kingdom of Heaven.  I hope that you won’t let that voice keep you from your dreams, either.  Use the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God and vanquish that voice by saying OUT LOUD all the things that God says you are.  After all, He created you.  And, as the stranger says in A Snoodle’s Tale, I can hear God saying to me and to you, “And lastly your wings. You know what they’re for. But not just to fly (daughter), I want you to soar!”