In this second installment of the Confessions of April Grace series by KD McCrite, readers get a first hand account of the first half of April Grace’s sixth grade year.  Not only does she have to deal with houseguests and a snotty big sister, but one of her former friends has decided to form a clique that excludes her and she discovers that her mom is expecting a baby!

April Grace is certainly an interesting character (and an authentic one!)–a girl who knows who she is and isn’t afraid to be that person and stand up for herself or others.  Through her experiences and the advice of the adult characters in the book, young readers learn the value of having grace for others, even when they aren’t nice, and of being yourself.

This book was a fun read for me, as it is set in 1986.  Since I was 10 in 1986, I related to the experiences of 11 year old April Grace with her Trapper Keeper and shoulder pads.  I’m not sure that my 9 year old daughter would get those references, but I think she would enjoy this story.  It’s cute, and I like the spunky April Grace and the overall message relayed to young readers.


PS.  I was given a free e-copy of this book by Booksneeze in return for my honest review.