Every year, our family chooses a theme for the year.  Last year was Freedom.  This year, our theme is Focus!  Maybe, like me, you’ve been feeling scattered.  Maybe you feel like you have big dreams, but aren’t getting anything accomplished.  Or maybe you’re just feeling worn out from trying so hard!  If that sounds like you, I’d like to invite you to join me for a year of FOCUS!

Each week, we’ll zoom on on five essentials for all of us moms–faith, family, finances, fitness, and fun.  I’ll be bringing you ideas on managing your time and focusing on your goals that will help you to achieve more this year with less stress.

As a homeschooling mom of three who also is working on my PhD, teaching online college composition courses, and building a business (among other things), I know what it’s like to be busy.  This year, as I focus in on my goals, I teach you how to do the same thing.

In fact, you can follow along with me by using the planner I designed for myself.  Just print out the download for January HERE. 

You’ll find Bible readings for each day (that will lead you to reading through the entire Bible in 2012!) and even simple, healthy (and delicious!) dinner plans for weeknights! The entire planner will be available for purchase/download soon, but you can print out your FREE January planning guide now (just 3 hole punch and throw in a binder!) and begin 2012 with Focus and Joy!

Here’s what Monday-Wednesday looks like.  You have space to write down appointments, and for you homeschooling moms, enough space for brief lesson plans.  This is key–I have left enough room for you to write down your daily schedule at the left.  This way, you can customize these planning pages to work for you & your family if you need to. The goal here is to have everything in one place.

At the top of each day, you’ll find your Bible reading plan for the day, as well as a dinner idea.  I love this Bible reading plan because it’s a M-F plan, which allows you to catch up on the weekends if you need to!  You’ll find more details about my menus here at worryfreemom.com every week.

At the bottom of the page, you’ll find two charts very useful for entrepreneurs.  To the left is a daily activity chart for building a network marketing business.  To the right is your Social Media chart–to have a successful presence online, you should be blogging and Facebooking at least once a day and tweeting at least twice.  For a helpful resource on what to post, see this article by marketing and design expert Kelly Garrett.

Here’s what Thursday-Sunday looks like.  Again, you’ll see the Bible reading plan and dinner idea at the top.  To the right, you’ll see a To Do list–because I need to have a place to jot down my list!

At the bottom, I’ve added two sections that I love.  To the left, you’ll see the “People I need to connect with” box.  In all our busyness, we often forget that our relationships are the most important.  Jot down the people who come to your mind each week.  Call them, send them a card, do something to connect with them in a meaningful way!  To the right is a great tool for keeping yourself focused on your goals and staying in action!

-Click here to download your free copy!