One of my favorite cakes is a lemon “poke” cake my Mom taught me to make.  What is a poke cake?  Well, to make a poke cake, bake a regular 8×13″ cake, and then poke holes with a toothpick in the top (hence the “poke”).  Then prepare jello and pour over the cake–it will fill the holes.  As the cake cools, the jello permeates it, making it really moist.  Finally, top the cold cake with prepared pudding and then Cool Whip.  My mom’s cake was lemon with lemon jello and lemon pudding.  Very yummy!

The other day I ran across a recipe for a “Coke” cake.  Essentially, you buy a cake mix and stir in a can of coke instead of the eggs and shortening.  It turns out great!  Anyway, I thought, “hey, if Coke works, I wonder if a can of sparkling water would, too?”

I had a chance to try it out when I went to Handy Andy with Tristan and noticed the baking mixes on sale.  🙂  Ryan is not a big fan of the lemon cake (or anything lemon except lemons), so I bought a white cake mix.  Tristan thought the pineapple jello sounded great.  And then I saw the coconut pudding.  Hey–I love pina colada (disclaimer–I’ve never had a “real” pina colada, but love the flavor in just about everything!  lol), so I thought this would be worth a try.

I’ve stopped using Cool Whip, though, so as I was figuring out what to use as a replacement, I remembered my sister-in-laws pin on pinterest about making whipped cream out of canned coconut milk or you could get Cheap cream chargers Brisbane delivery.  Just put a can of coconut milk in the fridge for several hours, scoop out the hardened milk at the top & whip with some vanilla.  I added a little powdered sugar, too, just for fun.  😉

So…mixed the cake mix with a can of sparkling water and baked…

It turned out great!  Next, I poked a bunch of holes in the top (I did this step while the cake was still hot; you could also wait until it cooled–I think it might stay moister that way???)…

The next step was to make the pineapple Jell0–just follow the directions on the box and pour over the top right after you mix in the cold water.  Put the cake in the fridge to let the Jello set.

Once the Jello has set, mix the coconut pudding according to the box instructions.  Pour over the top of the cake before it sets and spread.  Stick back in the fridge to let it sit, then top with the coconut milk whipped cream. One can was enough to frost the top of the cake, but it was really thick.

I think the lemon version is still my favorite (I’ve had strawberry, too–that wasn’t bad, either), but the pina colada is pretty yummy!