In the past 18 years of marriage, Ryan & I have moved 13 times. This move makes 14. No. We’re not in the military. 🙂 The longest we have ever stayed in one place was 4 years…the shortest was 2 weeks. (That was crazy!)

When we moved to Texas 5 years ago, a friend told me that it takes about five years to truly feel at home somewhere. So it’s a strange feeling to be moving back ‘home’ to Arizona when NB has become home. We have been so blessed to make amazing friends, have great experiences, and make unforgettable memories here. 










And those are just from the last 6 months!  
But I can’t wait to be able to run over and meet my mom for lunch. Or go for a walk with my sister. 😃. I’m excited to reconnect with my amazing friends back home. 

The Palmers are off on a new adventure…and I hope we will stay connected with the folks we are leaving behind–they definitely will remain in our hearts. 


PS What’s your best moving story? Share in the comments!