My friend and business partner, Kristi Lee, shared a great business building strategy for busy moms on our group call last week.  Most moms I talk to feel torn between their families and their business.  They want to spend more time building their business, but then they feel guilty for neglecting their families.  Or they want to spend more time with their kids, but then feel guilty for neglecting their business!  What often happens is that these moms just give up.

At a Real SavVy Success seminar last fall, several of the speakers shared their perspective on the other side of building a business with kids.  When they started, their kids were little and they often felt torn between their business and their family.  Now that their kids are grown, they have amazing stories about the adventures they are able to take with their kids, traveling all over the world with no worries about finances or schedules.  The bottom line is that building a business is worth every minute.

So, how is a mom to navigate between her kids and her business?  Try Kristi’s strategy and spend just 1 hour a day on your business.  In that hour, really focus your time.  For example, do a dialing for dollars on Monday–call as many people as you possibly can.  On Tuesday, follow up with your prospects.  On Wednesday, go out and meet new people.  Etc.  As you focus your activities each day, you’ll find that you feel accomplished in your business–and content with the time you have with your family.

As you learn to schedule your time and be diligent and focused, your kids will learn valuable lessons about hard work and discipline.  And you’ll be teaching them to value financial freedom, too.