Have you ever felt unworthy?  Do you hear that little voice that says, “Who do you think you are?”  You know, the one that keeps you from stepping up and stepping out on faith?

Janet Davis, in My Own Worst Enemy:  how to stop holding yourself back, gives readers keys for defeating that critical inner voice and having the confidence to let your light shine.  Through sharing stories and examining Scripture, Davis encourages readers to recognize and face the inner critic who is holding them back from becoming the women God created them to be.

In chapters titled “The Unimagined Life,” “The Unworthy Life,” and “The Unlived Life,” Davis tells us about women just like us who have allowed that inner critic to dictate who they will be (or rather, who they won’t be!).  In the next section, the author encourages women to rediscover their identity, explore their creativity, and learn to shine. Finally, Davis gives readers several ways to let their light shine, from “Choosing to Say No” to “Saying Yes to God.”

Throughout the book, Davis challenges readers to think about how her points affect their own lives.  Stories of women, both in the Bible and today, help us to visualize her points.  And questions at the beginning and end of each chapter invite readers to reflect on their own lives.  In the end, she reminds us that we are all called to shine.

Whether you recognize that inner critic or not, this is a great book that will help you to identify areas where you might be holding yourself back and give you the courage to allow God to work through you as you shine.

Disclaimer:  I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review.