This month we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus, and, if you’re like me, ponder when He will return. In his book, Dr. John Hart, who highly recommends the Left Behind series by Jenkins & LaHaye, provides his Answers to the most Important Questions about the End Times.

Each chapter is titled with a question about the End Times, from “Are there signs that we are in the end times?” to “What is Armageddon?” In each chapter, Hart attempts to answer the most common questions believers have about the end times. Not only does Hart give compelling and satisfying answers to these questions, but he also provides solid guidelines for understanding prophecy.

In areas where interpretations differ, Hart points them out and either highlights errors or shows why the passages might be confusing. Hart’s knowledge of the Old Testament provides a really interesting and thoughtful background for understanding the prophecies of Revelation, many of which mirror those found in the Old Testament.

Aside from his identification in the Pre-Trib, Left Behind camp, it may be important to note that Hart is a professor at Moody Bible, a university that holds to Calvanistic, non-charismatic, and very conservative complementarian views. While some readers may not agree with every one of his doctrinal positions, I think they will still find this book informative and comprehensive.

*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review. *